Disabilities Of The Arm Shoulder And Hand

Indications: For measurement or assessment of disability or capacity to function for single or multiple disorders in the upper limb.

Items: 30

Scoring: 1 to 5 (higher scores indicate greater disability/difficulty) for each item. The formula for the final score, representing percentage of disability, is as follows:
(sum score) – 30
1.2 = % Disability

Score Range: 0-100 (Higher numbers represent greater disability)

Validity: Convergent validity demonstrated moderate t high correlations with other markers of disability and symptoms. Known groups validity was demonstrates by showing differences between the DASH scores of patients who were working or functioning and scores of those who were not. These results were comparable to those found by others.

Test-Retest Reliability: ICC(2,1)=.96 (95%CI, .93-.98). Pearson correlation between baseline and retest was .96 and Spearman ranked correlation was .95.

SEM=4.6 points

MDC95=12.75 (SD at baseline 23.02)


Click HERE to download the form


Beaton, D.E., Katz, J.N., Fossel, A.H., Wright, J.G., Tarasuk, V. Measuring the whole or the parts? Validity, Reliability, and Responsiveness of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Outcome Measure in different regions of the upper Extremity. Journal of Hand Therapy. 2001. 14:128-146

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